Takamatsu International Piano Competition for smartphone


French (PDF Download)

1. General Rules

1. Name

The organization shall be called the Takamatsu International Piano Competition Organizing Committee (hereafter the Organizing Committee).

2. Location

The Organizing Committee’s office shall be located at the following address:
3F Central Bldg Annex, 4-12 Kamei-cho, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan.

3. Purpose

The purpose of the Organizing Committee shall be to give young people, especially those who love music, the opportunity to pursue their dreams and goals for personal growth by creating a space for interaction among excellent musicians from around the world; to contribute to the development of a new music culture within Kagawa prefecture; and, to provide a vehicle for promoting Sunport Takamatsu as Shikoku’s base for culture and the arts.

4. Business

(1) The Organizing Committee shall hold the Takamatsu International Piano Competition in order to realize the purpose described above.
(2) The Takamatsu International Piano Competition shall be held, as a rule, every four years.

5. Organization

(1) The Organizing Committee shall be composed of volunteers who agree with the purpose and business content described above.
(2) The Organizing Committee shall establish a Managing Committee, a Working Committee, a Jury, a Music Committee and an Office.

2. Decision-Making Body

6. The Managing Committee

The Managing Committee shall be the supreme decision-making body. The number of committee members and their appointment, the decisions to be made by the Committee and the decision-making process are as follows:

(1) The number of Managing Committee members shall be no less than 5 and no more than 10.
(2) The Managing Committee members shall be selected or dismissed by the decision of the Managing Committee.
(3) Decisions shall be made by majority vote.
(4) Items subject to decision by the Committee:
  1. The establishment and revision of Organizing Committee rules.
  2. The content, dates, budget, etc. for the Takamatsu International Piano Competition.
  3. Approval of the business report and the settlement of accounts and the handling of surpluses or deficits.
  4. Selection of the chair for the Working Committee, the Jury, and the Music Committee, as well as the Office director.
  5. Selection of a deputy chair in the event of an accident involving the Working Committee, Jury or Music Committee chair.
  6. Selection of an auditor.
  7. Changes in the Committee’s purpose or dissolution of the Committee.
  8. Any other important factors related to the above items.

7. Managing Committee Chair

(1) The Chair of the Managing Committee shall be selected by the Committee from among its members.
(2) The Chair shall represent both the Managing Committee and the Organizing Committee and shall coordinate the work of the same.
(3) The Chair shall convene the Managing Committee to make decisions concerning the items stipulated above.
(4) The Chair shall serve as the chairperson of the Managing Committee.
(5) In the event of an accident involving the Chair, a deputy chair shall be elected by the Committee from its members to carry out the work of the Chair on his/her behalf.
(6) The Chair can decide to have a vice-chair if necessary.
(7) The Chair can decide to have an advisor if necessary.

3. Organization

8. Jury Chair

(1) The Organizing Committee shall be composed of volunteers who agree with the purpose and business content described above.
(2) The Organizing Committee shall establish a Managing Committee, a Working Committee, a Jury, a Music Committee and an Office.

9. The Jury

(1) The Managing Committee shall establish a Jury to plan specialized items concerning music and to adjudicate the Competition.
(2) The Managing Committee shall establish within the Jury a Panel of Judges, an Initial Selection Round Jury and a Jury for the Performance Rounds.
1) The Panel of Judges
  1. The Panel of Judges shall plan those items of the Competition that require expert knowledge in the musical field.
  2. The Panel of Judges shall, when necessary, consult with the Working Committee and deliberate on those items of the Competition that require expert knowledge in the musical field, such as the establishment of judging rules for the Competition, the selection of adjudicators, the essential requirements for hosting the Competition, etc., and shall present their recommendations to the Managing Committee for the final decision.
  3. The Jury Chair shall select the Panel of Judges for final approval by the Managing Committee.
  4. The Panel shall consist of no less than 3 and no more than 6 members.
  5. The term of office for the Panel of Judges is, in principle, 4 years. However, the term for members appointed subsequently as replacements or as additions shall end at the same time as the term of office for the other members. 
    The same members can be reappointed.
2) Initial Selection Round Jury
  1. The Initial Selection Round Jury shall judge the Initial Selection Round of the Competition.
  2. The Initial Selection Round Jury Chair shall select the Initial Selection Round Jury members for final approval by the Managing Committee.
  3. The Initial Selection Round Jury shall consist of no less than 3 and no more than 6 adjudicators.
  4. The term of office for the Initial Selection Round Jury is, in principle, 4 years. However, the term for jury members appointed subsequently as replacements or as additional members shall end at the same time as the term of office for the other jury members.
    The same jury members can be reappointed.
2) Jury for the Performance Rounds
  1. The Jury for the Performance Rounds shall judge the Competition from the Preliminary Rounds to the Final Round.
  2. The Chair of the Jury for the Performance Rounds shall select the members of the Jury for the Performance Rounds for final approval by the Managing Committee.
  3. The Jury for the Performance Rounds shall consist of 9 or more jury members representing a number of countries and the majority shall be of nationalities other than Japanese.
  4. The term of office for the Jury for the Performance Rounds is, in principle, 4 years. However, the term for jury members appointed subsequently as replacements or as additional members shall end at the same time as the term of office for the other jury members.
    The same jury members can be reappointed.

10. Working Committee

(1) The Managing Committee shall appoint a Working Committee to plan and run the Competition.
(2) The Working Committee Chair appointed by the Managing Committee shall represent the Working Committee.
(3) The Working Committee Chair shall select the Working Committee members based on recommendations from the Managing Committee.
(4) The Working Committee shall consist of no less than 8 and no more than 15 members.
(5) At the request of the Managing Committee, the Working Committee shall deliberate and make decisions on items related to the Competition such as the rules and regulations, planning and operation.
(6) The term of office for Working Committee members shall, in principle, be 4 years. However, the term for members appointed subsequently as replacements or as additional members shall end at the same time as the term of office for the other members.
The same members can be reappointed.
(7) When the Working Committee is unable to reach a decision on the affairs for which it is responsible, the Working Committee Chair shall make the decision.

11. Music Committee

(1) The Managing Committee shall establish a Music Committee made up of music experts to ensure the smooth functioning of the Competition and to consult upon matters requiring expert knowledge in the field of music.
(2) The Music Committee Chair appointed by the Managing Committee shall represent the Music Committee.
(3) The Music Committee Chair shall select the Music Committee members based on recommendations from the Managing Committee.
(4) The Music Committee shall consist of no less than 8 and no more than 30 members.
(5) The Music Committee Chair shall collaborate with the Working Committee Chair and the Panel of Judges to manage the Music Committee.
(6) At the request of the Working Committee and the Panel of Judges, the Music Committee shall deliberate on technical aspects of the Competition to ensure its smooth operation and shall also publicize the event.
(7) The term of office for Music Committee members shall, in principle, be 4 years. However, the term for members appointed subsequently as replacements or as additional members shall end at the same time as the term of office for the other members.
The same members can be reappointed.
(8) The Music Committee Chair can, if necessary, appoint an advisor to the Committee.
The Music Committee Chair can, if necessary, set up a task force.

4. Office

12. Office

(1) The Managing Committee shall establish an Office to be responsible for implementing its decisions concerning the Competition.
(2) The Office Director appointed by the Managing Committee shall represent the Office and coordinate its activities.
(3) The Office Director can, if necessary, appoint a Vice-Director.
The Vice-Director shall assist the Office Director and perform his/her duties on his/her behalf in the case of an accident.
(4) The Office shall undertake the following work:
Negotiate with related agencies concerning the Organizing Committee’s work and report on the same.
Carry out the tasks decided upon by the Working Committee, the Panel of Judges and the Music Committee based on the plan adopted by the Managing Committee and report to the Managing Committee concerning the same.
Undertake all accounting and general affairs work. Accounting shall be undertaken in accordance with the accounting rules stipulated in a separate document.
(5) The Office can outsource tasks required to support its work. To do so, the Office must obtain the approval of the Managing Committee.

5. Auditor

13. Auditor

(1) The Auditor shall undertake the following work:
Supervise the execution of work by the Organizing Committee.
Supervise the status of the Organizing Committee’s assets.The Vice-Director shall assist the Office Director and perform his/her duties on his/her behalf in the case of an accident.
3) Report on 1) and 2) to the Managing Committee Chair.
(2) The term of office for the Auditor is 4 years. The Auditor can be reappointed.
However, the Auditor cannot serve simultaneously as a member of the Working Committee.

6 Assets and Accounting

14. Composition of Assets

The assets of the Organizing Committee shall consist of the following:

  1) Property and assets recorded in the inventory of property
2) Donations (cash and goods)
3) Grants
   4) Income from the Competition
5) Income from property

15. Management of Assets

(1) The assets of the Organizing Committee shall be managed by the Organizing Committee Chair. The management methods to be used shall be stipulated by the Chair upon approval by the Managing Committee.
(2) Expenditures for the Organizing Committee shall be paid from its assets.

16. Budget and Settlement of Accounts

(1) As the Takamatsu International Piano Competition is held once every 4 years, the business plan and budget for the Organizing Committee shall decided by the Managing Committee each time the Competition is held. However, the budget for income and expenditures shall be made every business year, the definition of which is stated in item 17 below.
(2) The Managing Committee shall decide how to handle surpluses and deficits for each business year.

17. Business Year

The business year of the Organizing Committee shall begin on October 1 of every year and end on September 30 of the following year. However, the ninth term shall begin on April 1, 2011 and end on September 30 of the same year.

7. Changing the Purpose of Business and Disbanding

18Changing the Purpose of Business

As the Organizing Committee is financially supported by a broad base of public agencies, corporations and individuals who agree with its purpose, related parties and the public must be notified of any decision on the part of the Managing Committee to change the purpose of the Organizing Committee’s business. The public shall be notified by appropriate methods.

19. Disbanding

(1) The Organizing Committee may be disbanded for the following reasons:
The Committee’s intended purpose and business have been fulfilled and there is no need to hold another Competition.
For some other reason, it is not possible to hold another Competition.
In either of the above cases, the Committee may not be disbanded if the essential points of the next Competition and a fundraising statement have already been announced. 
(2) The decision to disband requires a two-thirds majority vote by the Managing Committee.
(3) The Managing Committee shall decide how to handle any surpluses or deficits arising from disbanding of the Organizing Committee.
If the Managing Committee decides to disband the Organizing Committee, it shall notify relevant agencies and the public. The public shall be notified by appropriate methods.

Additional Clause

(1) The Rules and Regulations shall come into effect on the day the Managing Committee approves the same.
(2) The members of the Managing Committee as of July 1, 2015 are as follows:

Chair: Katsuhiko Takesaki
Member: Hiroyuki Chujo
Masamichi Tsukuda
Momoki Tokiwa
Hiroshi Namba
Osamu Hirokado
Kiyohiro Matsuda
Shosaku Murayama

Enactment and Amendments of the Rules and Regulations

Dec. 15, 2003 Enactment of Rules and Regulations
Mar. 18, 2005 Amendment
Dec. 1, 2007 Amendment
Aug. 1, 2008 Amendment
Dec. 10, 2009 Amendment
Dec. 14, 2010 Amendment
Aug. 15, 2011 Amendment
Dec. 25, 2012 Amendment
Sept. 26, 2013 Amendment
Sept. 24, 2014 Amendment
Oct. 9, 2015 Amendment

第4回TIPC 出場者一覧と審査結果 List of Contestants and Results

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4th TIPC YouTube Channel